LXP2.1 - Shadow - Subaction - SpecialSSpear_1
1 |
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None |
Hitboxes active: |
4-27 |
Hitbox set 0 hits: |
4 |
Subaction Index: |
0x2e |
Move staling reduces damage up to 45%. Move staling also reduces final knockback, shieldstun and hitlag
because damage is used in their formulas.
Set |
ID |
Dmg |
Angle |
Effect |
Sound |
Angle Flip |
Hitlag Mult |
Shield Dmg |
Rehit Rate |
Reflectable |
Shieldstun |
Hitlag |
Targets |
0 |
1 |
9 |
26 |
88 |
361 |
Electric |
Unknown(24) |
MD |
1.5 |
24 |
767615040 |
true |
6 |
8 |
- FrameSpeedModifier { multiplier: 1.5, unk: 0 }
- BoolVariableSetFalse { variable: LongtermAccessBool (0x65) }
- AsyncWait(4.0)
- DisableMovement(DisableVertical)
- DisableMovement(DisableHorizontal)
- CreateSpecialHitBox(SpecialHitBoxArguments { hitbox_args: HitBoxArguments { bone_index: 82, hitbox_id: 1, set_id: 0, damage: Constant(9.0), trajectory: 361, wdsk: 0, kbg: 88, shield_damage: 24, bkb: 26, size: 6.2, x_offset: 4.0, y_offset: 0.0, z_offset: 0.0, tripping_rate: 0.0, hitlag_mult: 1.5, sdi_mult: 1.0, effect: Electric, unk1: false, sound_level: 2, unk2: false, sound: Unknown(24), unk3: 0, ground: true, aerial: true, unk4: 0, sse_type: Sword, clang: true, unk5: true, direct: true, unk6: 0 }, rehit_rate: 767615040, angle_flipping: MovementDir, unk1: false, stretches_to_bone: false, unk2: false, can_hit1: true, can_hit2: true, can_hit3: true, can_hit4: true, can_hit5: true, can_hit6: true, can_hit7: true, can_hit8: true, can_hit9: true, can_hit10: true, can_hit11: true, can_hit12: true, can_hit13: true, enabled: true, unk3: 0, can_be_shielded: true, can_be_reflected: true, can_be_absorbed: false, unk4: 0, remain_grabbed: false, ignore_invincibility: false, freeze_frame_disable: false, unk5: false, flinchless: false })
- AsyncWait(40.0)
- DeleteAllHitBoxes
- CreateInterrupt { interrupt_id: None, action: Wait, requirement: (AnimationEnd) }
- PreviousInterruptAddRequirement(OnGround)
- CreateInterrupt { interrupt_id: None, action: Fall, requirement: (AnimationEnd) }
- PreviousInterruptAddRequirement(InAir)
- AsyncWait(2.0)
- ExternalGraphicEffect(ExternalGraphicEffect { file: 0, graphic: 38, bone: 67, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 0.0, z_offset: 1.0, x_rotation: 0.0, y_rotation: 0.0, z_rotation: 0.0, scale: 1.2, randomize: None, terminate_with_animation: true })
- ExternalGraphicEffect(ExternalGraphicEffect { file: 384, graphic: 19, bone: 82, x_offset: 0.0, y_offset: 0.0, z_offset: 0.0, x_rotation: 0.0, y_rotation: 0.0, z_rotation: 0.0, scale: 1.6, randomize: None, terminate_with_animation: true })
- AsyncWait(40.0)
- UnknownEvent { namespace: 0x11, code: 0x15, unk1: 0x0, arguments: [Value(25165843), Value(0), Value(1)] }
- AsyncWait(4.0)
- SoundVoiceLow
- SlopeContourFull { hip_n_or_top_n: 6, trans_bone: 3 }